
How Can I Help?

Donate medical equipment and supplies that are new or gently used and in working condition

Equipment Accepted for Donation

Supplies Accepted for Donation

Monetary donation:

Donate by check:
TeamUp With Families/Katy’s Kloset
404 Wilmont Dr. Unit D
Waukesha, WI 53189

Donate by Credit Card

Employer match: Ask your employer if they match charitable giving

Legacy or Memorial Giving: honor a loved one who has passed by naming TeamUp With Families/Katy’s Kloset as a recipient

Referral to a grant or fund: Do you know anyone in a service organization, or has a connection to a foundation? Let us know.

401k Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD): you may donate your mandatory distribution to a charity.

Help us arrange a fundraising event

Volunteer your time and talent:

katys kloset volunteers

Donate Today or Get Involved

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Help The Team Up Mission By Donating Today!

Team Up With Families Logo


Team Up With Families - Katy's Kloset
404 Wilmont Dr D,
Waukesha, WI 53189