Power Wheelchairs and Scooters
Latest Update
To borrow equipment, use our new ONLINE REQUEST/CATALOG or call (262) 746-9034. Visit the KK Lending Page for more information.
EQUIPMENT DONATIONS & RETURNS: Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 AM (except when closed) ADDITIONAL DROP OFF HOURS: Wednesday Apr 2nd and May 7th, 4:00-6:00 PM.
Borrowing Power Wheelchairs and Scooters from Katy’s Kloset
Katy’s Kloset Medical Equipment Lending Library carries a limited number of power wheelchairs and scooters which are not shown online. If you are interested in borrowing one of these items, go to the Lending Guidelines and Loan Agreement Terms link and follow the steps in the Lending Process.
Equipment loaned by Katy’s Kloset Medical Equipment Lending Library is loaned “as is”. Although our volunteers do their best to inspect equipment before it is loaned out, Katy’s Kloset is unable to warranty or repair items once they are loaned to a customer. Per the Katy’s Kloset Lending Library Loan Agreement that all customers must sign before receiving equipment from Katy’s Kloset, customers are responsible for any modifications, repairs, and/or maintenance for items borrowed. This includes the cost and labor to replace batteries for power equipment. Customers may keep power equipment for as long as it is needed, however, customers are responsible for replacing any batteries that are defective or have reached the end of their useful life. Please refer to the Lending Guidelines and Loan Agreement Terms for more information.
Because Katy’s Kloset receives limited donations of power chairs and scooters and is not able to provide power mobility equipment for every customer in need, we reserve the right to limit each customer to borrow one piece of power mobility equipment to enable Katy’s Kloset to serve more customers. If you do borrow a power wheelchair or scooter from Katy’s Kloset, we hope that you will plan for replacing that equipment when it exceeds its useful life.
To ensure long life and maximum distance with this power equipment, please follow these tips to help maximize the life of its batteries:
- Keep the batteries fully charged.
- Avoid storing the power equipment in places where it can be exposed to extreme temperatures, either
too hot or too cold. It can permanently damage the batteries. - If you use the power equipment every day
- Charge the battery every night for at least eight hours, regardless of the amount of use the power
equipment has had that day.
- Charge the battery every night for at least eight hours, regardless of the amount of use the power
- If you use the power equipment less than once a week
- Charge the batteries at least once a week for a minimum of eight hours.
- Do not charge the batteries for more than 24 consecutive hours. Overcharging does not improve
performance and can have a negative effect. - Use the charger that came with the power equipment for the safest and most efficient charging. Chargers are matched to the type and size of batteries.
- Do not leave the battery charger plugged in constantly to the wall outlet when it is not in use.
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Team Up With Families - Katy's Kloset
404 Wilmont Dr D,
Waukesha, WI 53189